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Lively atmosphere

At the academy of music in Arnhem, you'll notice a boundless creativity in everyone you encounter, whether they are still wearing make-up from a performance or immaculately dressed with a violin case in hand. It takes a bit of searching through the maze corridors, but at the top of every staircase and around every corner you'll find a rehearsal room or even a complete auditorium.


Jazz & Pop Arnhem - foto: Duncan de Fey
Jazz & Pop Arnhem - foto: Duncan de Fey

Multi-disciplinary, meta-disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration

If you choose to come to Arnhem, as a conservatory student you'll have all the facilities and the experienced support you need to develop into a professional composer, performer or musician within reach. Here you will professionalise your artistry through multi-disciplinary, meta-disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration.  You'll discover, try things out and create.