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Workshop Take hold of your future

The Take hold of Your Future workshop is organized for both the courses and students. For more information and to sign up, please contact Jessica de Jaeger.

Workshop Take hold of your future

Entrepreneurship is much more than finance. It is turning ideas into action

We developed this workshop to give students an insight into the entrepreneurial skills they need to start their professional practice. After attending the workshop, students will have:

  • Practiced entrepreneurial skills, they need in their professional practice
  • Insight into what they can already do and what they still have to learn during their studies and after graduation
  • Practiced expressing themselves in their own words about entrepreneurship

After each workshop, we share the results and insights with you. We give insight into what students already feel prepared for when they start their professional practice. And what they still want to learn in order to graduate with a good grip on their future. You will also get a picture of what students think they have learned at ArtEZ and what they would like to have learned within their study programme. You can also use the workshop to make your education more flexible by identifying the entrepreneurial competencies students need.

Useful to know

  • For students in the 2nd semester of the 3rd year and 4th-year students
  • The workshop is 2.5 hours and free of charge for all ArtEZ courses
  • The workshop is in Dutch and English

The workshop teacher

Jessica de Jaeger is connected to the ArtEZ Business Centre as a project advisor and lecturer and gives this workshop. In recent years, she has developed entrepreneurship education, integrated it into the curriculum, and taught classes at various programmes within ArtEZ. She is self-employed and coaches advises, and guides cultural entrepreneurs.

Some reactions from previous participants:

"I was very uncertain about the future; now I have more self-confidence that I can achieve my vision of the future";
"Entrepreneurship is turning ideas into action, and it encompasses much more than just finances";
"I now know the steps I can start taking and who I can use during the process. I don't have to do it alone."