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Sophie Mayeux wint ITs Choreography Award

  • Dans
  • ArtEZ-prijswinnaars
Sophie Mayeux
Sophie Mayeux

Sophie Mayeux, eindejaars student van de opleiding Dans heeft de ITs Choreography Award 2016 gewonnen. Zij kreeg de prijs voor haar stuk ''Die Verwandlung”. De  ITs Choreography Award wordt jaarlijks tijdens het ITs Festival in Amsterdam uitgereikt aan net afgestudeerd talent.

Uit het jury rapport:

Apparently simple in its approach and idea, very strong in its output: ‘Die Verwandlung’ by French Sophie Mayeux (Artez). This so called ‘metamorphosis’ explores the tumult and agitation of a body in transformation. Here are cutting choices made, which lead to a poetic, timeless, almost museological piece. The performance itself presents “the transformation of an abstract entity towards a character with many faces”, sometimes unpredictable and cruel, but also soft and fragile. Anyhow credible and vibrant. True to its concept the work makes a strong appeal to the imagination, and the amoeba shape captures your attention every second throughout the whole piece. Exciting, consistent and consequent with a strikingly rich and effective soundscape. A glittering foil like this is not used for the first time, but the way the performer brings it to life is testimony of craftsmanship. It shows control and understanding of the used material and shows an excellent collaboration between choreographer and performer.