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New ArtEZ Press publication: We Contain Multitudes

  • Research

In today's digital society it’s more and more about fast content and an incredible amount of stimuli comes our way. It is becoming increasingly difficult to listen critically, think and hear what is really being said. In We contain Multitudes, compiled by Clare Butcher and commissioned by BEAR Fine Art, the reader is invited to openly and critically engage with multitudes of artistic learning methods such as making, listening, talking, researching, voicing, questioning and collaborating.

New ArtEZ Press publication: We Contain Multitudes

In We Contain Multitudes inspiring questions are discussed like: How can we become active participants in our own learning and unlearning processes? What happens when we open our ears to the wisdom of the body? Or the knowledge that emerges from conversations around the dinner table? How can we make time to listen deeply and not understand?

 This publication was commissioned by BEAR Fine Art, ArtEZ Arnhem and is part of a polyphonic program called 'We Contain Multitudes'. The book shows the interdependent, intertwined, and non-linear insights and experiences that emerged during the creative process.

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Over ArtEZ Press

ArtEZ Press is the publishing house attached to ArtEZ University of the Arts. Founded in 2005, we publish high quality books, in terms of both content and design. The unique design reinforces the content, and vice versa. The carefully curated collection that ArtEZ Press has built up throughout the years represents the rich disciplines from the art education of ArtEZ; architecture, visual arts, dance, interior design, art education, fashion, music and music therapy, product design, theatre, design and theory of art.