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Notice of resignation of Jarrod Francisco

At the request of the Board of Governors (BoG) of ArtEZ University of the Arts, Jarrod Francisco will step down as a member of the board effective January 1, 2024. The BoG regrets this and emphasizes that it in no way implies a judgment on Jarrod Francisco's actions. However, every BoG should serve the interest of the organization in question above individual personal interest.

The ArtEZ Board of Governors (BoG) has taken note of reports refuting allegations and announcing a new investigation. However, for the sake of the continuity of ArtEZ, action is now required. Hence Jarrod Francisco has been asked to step down.

The BoG finds this a very unpleasant issue with only losers. It is grateful to Jarrod for his unique contribution to the BoG as a performing artist.

On behalf of the Board of Governors
Louise van Deth, chairman