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Photo: Christein van Hoffen

Graphic Design part-time

Photo: Christein van Hoffen
  • Bachelor's
  • 4 years, start February
  • Dutch
  • Zwolle

The four-year part-time Bachelor’s course Graphic Design in Zwolle trains you to become a conceptual designer who makes relevant and authentic work for clients and/or the public. The course starts in February.

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  1. Instagram
Graphic Design part-time

Why choose the part-time Bachelor’s course Graphic Design?

Unique course

The only part-time Bachelor’s course graphic design in the Netherlands at a university of the arts.

Boost your development

The course enables you to grow professionally and expand your career opportunities.

Study alongside your job

Classes are taught on two evenings and on Saturdays. This makes it easy to combine your studies with your work.

Learn with and from each other

Creating studio work which is shared with other GD students is an effective way to work on your professional development.

Personal guidance

Strong emphasis on developing personal skills, and intensive classroom teaching in small groups of up to 15 students.

Exchange with the professional field

Apply what you've learned directly in your work and present your designs to the professional field and the public.

You learn to think from the perspective of a designer, not a desktop publisher. The course allows you to broaden your vision and build your toolkit and capabilities.

Pieter Brouwer, fourth-year student

A challenging and in-depth course, full of inspiration and new opportunities

Are you a designer or communication professional, and do you want to develop further in the field of information design? Or do you have a completely different background, but also a creative talent that you would like to develop? The part-time Bachelor’s course Graphic Design deepens your knowledge, which will make you even better at what you do. It also challenges you to try new things and develop new skills. This will drive you to perform at a higher level, keep your work exciting and enhance your career opportunities.  
Individual research is a key element of the curriculum. By researching, discovering and creating you will find your own artistic signature – your personal style in which elements such as colour, space, rhythm and meaning increasingly take shape and come to life. Interaction is an essential part of this: how do you engage others artistically with your message or experience? 
During you studies, you will develop into a designer with sound theoretical and practical knowledge, and a distinct vision and style. This will allow you take your work at an agency to a higher level, or you can start a practice as an independent designer.
Graphic Design is also taught as a full-time course, both in Zwolle and Arnhem

Graphic Design on camera